IGP Institute
Apartemen Istana Harmoni, Ground Floor/Unit 1-G Komplek Harmoni Plaza Suryopranoto Street, Central Jakarta paramita_institute@agl-igp.com
Educational Program
Comprehensive gemology education programs for all levels
You will learn about colorstones in general, which covers their physical, optical and other characteristics and how light affects phenomenal stones. Class can be continued to Color Stones class. Length of course: 1 session @ +/- 2.5 hours.
You will learns step by step basic jewelries sketching through FreeHand method. Class can be continued to Counter Sketching class. Length of course: 1 session @ +/- 2.5 hours.
You will learn about properties of diamond, how light affects its brilliance and dispersion. Class also covers the 4C's factors (Color, Carat weight, Cutting and Clarity) of diamonds. Class can be continued to Diamond Grading class. Length of course: 1 session @ +/-2.5 hours.
A complete introduction of Gemology class thant covers Basic Diamond, Basic ColorStones and Basic Gem Identification. Length of course: 3 sessions @ +/- 2.5 hours.
A complete introduction of Gemology class which covers Basic Diamond, Basic ColorStones, Basic Gem Identification, Basic Counter Sketching and Jewelry Design. Length of course: 4 sessions @ +/- 2.5 hours.
Basic knowledge to make jewelry, including soldering and stone setting. You will learn how to make silver jewelry such as filling, soldering, sizing, setting stone (bezel and prong setting). You will be introduced what tools are used and will work with safety to bring out your creativity become reality. Length of course: 1 session @ 5 hours.